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Capillary Deliquification Safety System

Capillary Deliquification Safety System

Cap String

También conocido como:

Capillary String


Made to Order




Air Freight


Capillary Deliquification Safety System

Número de modelo:


Made to Order

Tiempo de entrega (semanas):

6 weeks


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less than 300 kg


United States

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Air Freight


The deliquification safety system can be installed in an existing completion with the appropriate safety valve landing nipple (SVLN) profile — either a dedicated SVLN or within a tubing-retrievable safety valve (TRSV) in which the control system communication is activated to operate an installed wireline-retrievable safety valve (WLRSV).

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  • Unique design allows system installation with no requirement for wellhead modification
  • Installed using standard intervention techniques


In mature fields, liquid loading of gas wells is a common problem. In the short term, this can lead to decreased production, and if not managed correctly, can ultimately reduce overall reservoir recovery. One option for managing the problem is the use of surfactants as foaming agents to artificially unload the well. The preferred method would allow automatic and continuous delivery of these surfactants. The capillary deliquification safety system facilitates delivery of surfactants or other chemicals and liquids to a specified point within the completion, while maintaining the purpose and functionality of a downhole safety device. The deliquification safety system can be installed in an existing completion with the appropriate safety valve landing nipple (SVLN) profile — either a dedicated SVLN or within a tubing-retrievable safety valve (TRSV) in which the control system communication is activated to operate an installed wireline-retrievable safety valve (WLRSV). The system’s injection feature operates via the WLRSV control system. When control-line pressure reaches a predetermined pressure, a regulator installed below the WLRSV opens, allowing chemical injection to occur. Use of the existing control line provides a cost-effective method of installing a semi-permanent injection system without the need to modify the wellhead. The WLRSV is designed to shut in the well at a point below the surface and is opened with hydraulic control pressure. In this application, the applied chemical injection pressure maintains the safety valve in the open position during injection, and the valve closes when injection is stopped. Applications » Chemical injection for gas well deliquification or scale treatment purposes » Available for landing nipples/TRSVs with 2.75-in. and larger sealbores Features » Field-proven WLRSV » Equalizing or non-equalizing-type flapper closure *information referenced from supplier catalog.



Sea freight - Land freight | International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.

Situado en:

United States

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